Friday, April 1, 2011

Really Old Stuff Show

Okay, maybe some of it wasn't really old, but I think about 99.999% was really, really old!  Anyways, Robert and I went to the Gem, Mineral and Fossil show, though I don't quite remember the exact name of it, last weekend.  I was looking forward to it for weeks and I found it fascinating!  I love that stuff!  I love pretty rocks and old fossils.  There's just something awesome about seeing, touching, holding something so incredibly ancient and beautiful.  It's like for a split second I get connected with the dawn of time.  Or something like that.  It's hard to explain!

Though I find geology really fascinating, I know very little about all that it entails.  What I do know is that it all looks really interesting and I love taking pictures of beautiful old stuff.  And there was so so much of it all!  I felt a little odd as I was the only camera toting person in the whole building and so didn't take as many pictures as I really wanted to.  There were so many shiny and sparkly things!  If I was left alone I would have literally spent HOURS there photographing every beautiful ancient thing.

Here are just a few of the pictures I had the guts to snap... and they really don't do justice to all that was there. 

Blue Rock

Old Stuff


Dead Fish


Sand Dollars

Green Garnet


The other thing I found really fascinating was how pricey many of the things were!  I mean $100 for a piece of sulfur rock or something.  Really?!  Goodness gracious.  Even little rocks of various types were pricey.  However, I think most things were "reasonably" priced. 

This summer I am hoping to do some fossil digging of my own again and maybe take a trip out to where we can dig for quartz crystals!  I am really looking forward to using my rock pick that I got this past Christmas!

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