We decided on Choice One, so off to Tifft we went. It was really foggy when we got there and I thought it looked so amazing. I'm not a morning person so I've never really been able to experience fog, but I got lucky this time in that it was rolling in around noon. My kind of time frame :) It was surreal walking through the fog... I felt like my eyesight was blurry or that my glasses weren't the correct prescription. The fog completely subsided after about two hours and then it was nothing but sunshine.
We ended up spending at least four hours there... and yet didn't get to see ALL of the preserve. We'll have to go back there again. We saw so many different kinds of birds - many we have never seen before.
It felt so unreal at times that there we were, just south of Buffalo on a *relatively* tiny patch of land, and we were seeing things like the Indigo Bunting, the Yellow Warbler, the Blue Winged Teal, the Magnolia Warbler, a House Wren, the Eastern King-bird, the Common Yellowthroat, a couple of Ospreys, many Orioles, several different types of swallows, various sparrow species, and several other bird species that we haven't ever seen before.
It was a little sad leaving the preserve because we know we won't see many of those birds outside of it.
My post isn't complete without some photos. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take any photos of any of the "exotic" birds we saw because of the limitation of my lens and because they were so swift!
A female red-winged black bird.
House Wren.
It turned out to be a beautiful day and we were both in awe of the abundance of wildlife we got to see. It was definitely worth our time and we look forward to going back there again :)
We still ended up taking Charlie out for his walk to the UB bike path after I got out of work on Sunday. He was thrilled =)
So I finished the semester off with a BANG! I had a heavy course-load of 19 credit hours - but my hard work paid off. Five A's and two A-'s, so altogether a GPA of 3.88! I'm quite pleased :)
Thanks for reading!
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