Sunday, April 17, 2011

April Snow!

Robert and I went to Reinstein again a couple of days ago and saw some more neat things.  It was FREEEEEZING but I was too busy looking at stuff to notice.  Anyways, there was the usual hubbub of activity going on - geese nesting, beavers swimming, birds chirping - nothing much out of the ordinary.  It was a nice walk, though.  I love going to Reinstein only because it's just so close - right in the middle of the 'burbs - and there's always something to see, even if I've seen it before.   It's new and fresh every time.  I love being around nature (peaceful nature, that is) - it really puts me at ease... takes the stress away.  I wish I could immerse myself more in it.

It's one of the reasons why I really don't want to live in Buffalo.  I prefer to see mountains and lakes or even the ocean out of my window - not more houses and powerlines.  Maybe someday....

This goose is nesting on the beaver's lodge :)
Goose Nest

A shy Robin..

Today, though.. boy... I was looking forward to going for a hike at another nature preserve, but didn't end up going.  The weather was just awful today.  Freezing rain, bitter cold winds, SNOW!  It could always be worse... and I'll take snow over tornadoes, earthquakes and forest fires any day.  I did venture out into the yard to take some photos.

Poor robins...

For a little bit the snowflakes coming down were HUGE!  Hard to tell from the picture but they were really massive.  It actually looked so pretty for a few minutes.

But, Buffalo could definitely use some sunshine :)

And butterflies...

April Snow

Anyways, the good news is that it's spring, regardless.  And sooner or later, the sun will come out and the flowers will bloom and it will finally cease to snow.

April is surely living up to its reputation of being a cold and wet month!!  I really hope that April rain (or snow) showers will bring lots of beautiful May flowers :)

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